Most Valuable Thing

My most valuable thing learned this year in English III AP is………………

You see I’ve never been good at writing for a prompt. Actually, I’ve never been good at writing in general. I honestly really hate it which is one of the reasons I don’t do so well when it comes to English classes. For some reason however, I made the amazing mistake of signing up for an AP level course in English. This odd choice led to my discovery that while I may still suck at writing, it can, on occasion, be fun.

This discovery came from the creation of this blog. In reality, at the time I made it, I thought the idea of making a blog for English class was idiotic. As time went on however, my opinion changed, and eventually, when writing about what I was thankful for, it clicked in my mind why I changed my mind.  With more freedom and a more relaxed atmosphere for writing, I wrote what I felt with little attention to whether my writing had the same stiff structure that so many persuasive and analytical essays I had written before had. It was more natural, and while I often found my clarity lacking, I enjoyed what I wrote. This is why the thing that impacted me the most this year was the blog post about being thankful.

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